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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  January 17, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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spreading. >> in marin county, the chamber is empty. >> why authorities are considering charges the mother . good evening it's thursday, january 17th. this afternoon we learned that a south bay woman has died of the flu in the bay area's fatality linked to the season. >> the unidentified 98-year-old woman died earlier this mother. they would not say -- mother. the state told me up until now -- month -- 4 deaths related to flu in people who are under
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65 years of age. santa clara county health officials are surging -- urging people to get the flu vaccine. >> we found demand is growing high. you found plenty of people seeing a vaccination? >> that's right. dozens of people walked out with a sore arm and a small bottle of hand sanitizer. that's what they got for coming to today's flu shot clinic. >> people both young and old shaft down for a shot in the -- sat down for a shot in the arm today. >> fremont's washington hospital vaccinated about a hundred and 50 people, many told me it's about times -- 150 people. and with school starting for me, i decided it was smart. >> 9-year-old and her sister selma had no problem handling the needles. >> lola explained to me why she
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wanted the shot. >> the weird feeling of being sick, i just do not like it at all. it's so weird. >> and the flew shot's better than that -- flu shot's better than that? >> yes, way better. >> this expectant mother came in just weeks before her due date. >> it's more important because there's a baby to think about. my husband get to his yesterday. the whole family is preparing for the baby. >> emergency room doctor told me california's about to get taken by the flu. >> many nursing homes are near the hospital. this is the winsor country drive care center where staff said they're required to have everyone vaccinated early to protect the residents. >> most of the people here are
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immunizeo compromised. >> they may schedule 1 more tonight. now can you go to to view a flu shot map. you'll find it under our hot topics section. a san jose mother is recanting her kidnapping story. >> when somebody's lying t kind , it kind of dupes all of us. >> on tuesday a woman told police a man tried to wrestle her 3-year-old daughter from her arms. officers released this sketch based on the mother's description. but when they reinterviewed the mort, she admitted making up the story. the da is considering charging her with a crime.
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at ao's story just gets more twisted. a high profile home invasion and murder case has taken a new turn with report the defendants are related to an oakland gang. the san francisco chronicle said the victim allegedly passed on information about kumra's mansion. the game hatched the home invasion plan. 3 men charged with murder. dixon is an excessery. >> a pursuit ended in a crash just after 5 this afternoon. deputies say they tried to stop a car from reckless driving but called off when the suspect went on city streets crashing near 3 vehicles. several people were injured but nobody went to the hospital. officers say they found a
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handgun, an ak 47, both of them loaded inside the suspect's car. now to washington d.c. san francisco's mayor, edlee is on with president obama in gun violence. >> by doing what we can do by joining the national effort is going to be critical. >> oakland mayor jean quan says now is the time, and she thinks most americans agree. vice president joe biden addressed the congress today. hess they need the mayor's support to get passed by congress. it is expected to be a fight. overwhelming turn out for marin county is prompting a change. success led to serender. >> for last tuesday's buy back event, surrendering a weapon got you money or a voucher. >> we've asked people to come
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in on the 15th of february to redeem those vouchers. if we don't if or how much we'll get. >> and while they wait, the da's office has turned next monday into a gun buy back. >> we will not be providing vouchers or financial compensation. >> this week's ford county buy back through the da's office yielded an assortment of handguns. someone received $200 for this weapon. >> we went through our initial allotment of $5,000 in the first 40 minutes, so by 11:30 we were out of cash and and the da brought back 2,700 more dollar. 223 weapons were -- $2,700, instead of participating at a
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drop off monday, the mill valley will be scouring for fun will keep long after. >> the gun serender will be held at the police department, on a no questions basis. >> in millvalley, ktvu news. nudest gather today to find the nudity ban. they are blocking the ban scheduled to begin next month. >> he said the pre liveration -- before you go to a place of banning free speech, as you government have you to jump through hoops. >> the judge heard arguments
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today during a 90-minute hearing and said he'll issue a written ruling before the ban starts on february 1st. >> starting today, yelp leaders have another piece of information, health information score. >> mayor ed lee says restaurant owners and customers would give the plan a thumbs up. new york and philadelphia are supposed to be posting scores in the coming week. following the report this afternoon, intel jump shiftd from pcs to mobile devices, shares off more than 5% in after hours trading. dow fell just shore of its career shore high. nasdaq rose google hit the top
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teams, with amenities such as masses, massages and a sports complex. >> number 15, dpr construction and redwood city has a ski cabin in tahoe that employees can use, number 19, san francisco sales offers free yoga classes. >> although boeing's 787 dream liner was -- widely used in electronics in lewding laptops and tablet -- including laptops dwights to cash 5 -- devices to catch fire. >> it's a risky proposition to simply scale up the same technology. i wouldn't put them in airplanes
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personally. >> all 53 miners worldwide of grounded. the faa says carriers need to demonstrate the batteries are save before planes could resume flying. >> american airlines has a new logo after 45 years. the new look shows a silhouette of an eagle. the plane features the word american. the bankruptcy rupt represents the represents the trouble. as they look to purchase about 60 train in the next decade, amtrak says it doesn't make says to have a different standard. the state's expected to break ground this summer. >> in just a few months people have pets will have more room at the spca. >> they held a ground breaking ceremony today, and features a
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new featured vet clinic will be built next to the facility. the their old building is bursting at the seems. it should open around thanksgiving. scammers target gift cards at grocery stores. >> manti will tell the truth. >> and in some circles, a strange tale involving a football star gets more convoluteed. >> we could have some fog in the morning, i'll let you know in the 5-day more cast. -- more cast.
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q x
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forecast. -- forecast. . about a dozen people today
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protested outside a san francisco restaurant. they say the owner is a slum lord. about 50 people live in the apartment building he owns. some had units that didn't drain rotten cabinets and serious mold. the algeria, armed al-qaeda stormed the facility yesterday. algeria said forecasts had had died during the mission. u.s. authorities say at least 20 hostages escaped with the help of u.s. special forces. a new way to manipulate gift cards to take the money buyers believe is getting to the recipient. victims may not even realize what's happening. >> a smoul down in the santa
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cruz -- small down in the santa cruz mountains but wanting to profit off of residents. >> there's a lot of people hurting out of work and it's a tough time and i think it's awful. >> sheriff's deputies say someone attemptered with their gift cards. >> take a look at this tampered with their gift card. >> what they do is they photo copy this bar code and place it on the other cards just by slipping a piece of paper in there. and you would never know until you got it home and ripped it apart. >> investigators say the scam puts the money on the fee's gift -- thieve's give card instead of yours.
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investigators say they're not sure how long they've been on the shelves. >> there may be people who realize it's worth nothing. >> the best way is to look online to see if the amount is actually on the card. if it's not then contact your local law enforcement agency. >> i look at the packaging on everything i buy. >> deputies told me they're looking at finger prints and dna evidence to see if that'll lead them to the thieves. the state of california's getting pore than a half billion -- more than a half billion dollar to help imimplement the state's healthcare -- implame neshgs t allowing people to compare and en-- the woman who wrote the long running device
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column,ary dear aby has died. ester died in 2002. phillips died of alzheimer disease. >> 4 high school students were arrested after a riot broke out near berkeley high. a cell phone video caught the aftermath. hundreds of people filled the streets of the the police called and arrested the 4 students 2 from burkely high school and 2 others from the alternative school burkely tech. people are getting geared up with the san francisco 49ers. fans were stocking up on american with kaepernick jerseys a very hot commodity. the team made the playoffs for
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the second year in a row. they're going to win it. i can't really say the score, i just know they're going to win. >> players in the locker room said they're expecting key plays will make the difference of the tomorrow, the team gets on a plane to & heads to atlanta. >> kicu's point after show follows the games. >> there are more questions around manti te'o. the 20-year-old mine backer says he was duped into believing that his online girlfriend died of cancer when tonight she never existed. he talked about the romance even after it was discovered it was a
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hoax. >> reacting to the news that te'o has been caught up in an elaborate lie. he's been portrayed of someone who over came tragedy. helping the irish after losing his grandmother and his girlfriend on the same day last september. now we know that story is not entirely true. >> when you looked at the mortuary, the where the ap reported she'd been buried, nobody by that name was buried there. while his grandmother passed away, his girlfriend did not. someone developed an online relationship through the internet and conspired to others to lead him to believe she had died of leukemia. pain and grief and affection was real. that's the nature of this sad, cruel game. >> te'o, who says the whole
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ordeal is embarrassing. >> manti is somebody that is so special to us in this community and we just know that manti will tell the truth. >> te'o is preparing for the nfl combine and draft. >> in chicago, mike tobin. >> a movies in the works about the penn state scandal. it is entitled happy valley, directed by brian depalma. ever find breaking it down a bit more than we're used to? >> warmer weather is on the way. here's the timeline and
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complains the 1 thing drivers will want to take into account during tomorrow morning's commut commute when we come back. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have the wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet
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and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. at&t. real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a case of arrowhead water is just $3.33. folgers is $7.99 for the large size. that's a huge deal. rise and shine. simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. real big deals this week and every week. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ]
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♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] . bay area air quality managers issued the third air
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later in a -- alert for tomorrow, meaning burning wood outside is banned friday. yesterday here at 7, mark tamayo spoke to us about a bump in temperatures that we can appreciate. temperatures in the low to mid 60s, evening a few spots right around 70 toward santa cruz. still fairly nice afternoon, 1 of the warmest we've seen in quite sometime and you can see the highs from today, mainly in the upper 50s to lower 60s out toward pacifica and anti antioch. for us, mostly clear skies and temperatures already dropping off into the 30s. fairfield, 37 degrees, san
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francisco 50s, and san jose reporting 54. >> forecast headlines for tonight, we do have this, mostly clear skies. it is cold. >> tomorrow areas of frost and hazy sunshine. we'll have some patchy fog out there especially toward the inland valleys. this weekend will be nice. watch out for low visibility in some of the inland valleys. santa rosa, could be the case, out toward fairfield and concord. friday morning, high pressure still returning, so with that stable atmosphere that brings the fog back kind of pressing the moisture into the surface. that's what we have in the forecast, at least a few patches tomorrow morning. the storm track gets pushed way to our north. hazy sunshine with no threat of rain. as far as the surf, the major swell developing out in the
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pacific of the a high surf advisory 10 a.m. saturday until 4:00 sunday. as a result they do have that surf contest for sunday morning at 8:00. . the wave could be topping easily 30 feet. mainly in the upper 50s to lower 60s, not much of a change. could be a little bit warmer, san jose, 65, san mateo, 63. >> your weekend always in view holding things steady into sunday. rolling out new automated tell are machines allow you to withdraw at least $1. the machines with dole out 1 and $5 bills instead of the normal $20 bills. financial experts say it will help banking customers with a low balance that can withdraw
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small are amounts to forego the risk of an over drawl. >> oushg coverage continues with the 10:00 news. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. and tonight, live coverage from the lady gaga concert. >> and up next, tmc. sofa... desk...
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you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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